Tips for Buying Custom Guitar Straps


To be effective in their career, guitarists need to have the best custom guitar straps to hold their beloved guitars. It is advisable to be armed with the right kind of information before venturing out in the market to buy custom guitar straps.

There are different ways of customizing the different kinds of guitar straps to the market. Some designers use debossing to customize guitar straps while others are good for the etching and scripted kind of lettering.

Some people use symbols like music notes and treble clefs alongside the letters as well. Some custom guitar straps are studded and the most commonly used common materials include metal conchos, shell decorations, metals studs and jeweled studs.

Designers also make generally designed guitar straps and those for particular customers. These are like churches who get religious symbols, crosses and praying hands of their cool guitar strap.

When looking to buy custom guitar straps you should also consider the amount of time that the guitar is played. Guitar players who spend much time on stage might want to consider padded straps for extra comfort. Things may, however, be different for acoustic guitar players who should invest in garment leathers for their guitar straps.

Custom guitar straps also come in various materials with leather, nylon and suede being the most commonly used. People are usually dictated by factors like the compact nature of the materials and cost when choosing a good material for their guitar strap.

The overall cost of the custom guitar straps will also determine which will suit a particular musician. The materials and the person who is chosen to make the custom guitar straps will also dictate the cost of the guitar.

Although many people don’t remember this, the width of the guitar strap custom is a very key consideration. Normally, the straps are from two inches to four inches. Customized guitar straps can, however, be made to fit the body of the musician. To some clients, a one-inch strap will be more than enough.

All factors are now considered, and now there are two choices for a person who wants to buy custom guitar straps. Some musicians would rather walk into a store and buy a design that works for them while just prefer to engage the services of a good artisan.

Either way, one should check to see if their source has been in the business for some time. Most experienced artisans have portfolios, ask for one when you choose to engage one.

Another way to go will be getting references from people who have used the artisan or store before. Some artisans and music stores have chosen to sell their custom guitar straps online, and you should consider this when buying the straps.

Tips for Buying Custom Guitar Straps

Get The Custom Made Guitar Strap You Need To Complete Your Look


A custom guitar strap is the perfect accessory for the serious guitar player. You can find a huge variety of guitar straps in different styles and materials, so take the time to try out a whole bunch to find what you like. After you’ve figured out what is right for you, then it is time to get your custom guitar strap made to order.

Above all, you need your custom guitar strap to be comfortable. Usually, guitar straps are made so that you can adjust them. This is very important, as you may want a different length of strap at different times, or for different guitars if you play more than one. Most guitar straps can lengthen or shorten with a range of thirty five to fifty two inches. Most guitar players are somewhere within this range. How wide the strap is will also make a difference. A wider strap has the benefit of better weight distribution. The benefits of a narrow strap are less weight and less distraction. Guitar straps often come with lining and padding as well. Not all guitar straps come with lining or padding though. Just like everything else, you should try out different linings and padding to discover what will be the most comfortable when you play.

The design and aesthetics are quite important as well, but they should be secondary to comfort when playing.

Leather is one of the most popular materials for guitar straps. You can’t just say leather and be done with it, however, as there are a variety of types of leather available. A few options for different leathers are cow hide, calf skin, buffalo, snake skin, and that is just a start. How leather is cured or treated changes how it feels and how it flexes.

There are other types of materials that are used for guitar straps. Vinyl is fairly popular for guitar straps. At the opposite end of the spectrum from leather are cool guitar straps that are made from the same material as seatbelts. You can also get guitar straps made from various fabrics such as linen furniture fabric. Fabric straps have the benefit of allowing for more colors and for patterns or designs woven directly into the strap.

A custom guitar strap allows for your own unique aesthetics to show. With most materials, it is pretty straightforward to add an embroidered design. Embroidering words such as your name or signature or your band name onto your guitar strap is pretty popular. You can also use embroidery to create abstract designs or drawings on your guitar strap. Leather guitar straps can be embossed, imprinted, or pyrographed.

A custom guitar strap is not cheap, but it will be worth it for anyone who is serious about music. You will be very happy to be able to practice for a longer amount of time and still not have any shoulder pain at the end of the day.

Get The Custom Made Guitar Strap You Need To Complete Your Look

What’s the Best Guitar Strap?


A guitar strap is a piece of a musician’s arsenal, a place where they can show their own personalities.  Guitar straps can be personalized in any number of ways.  The guitar strap materials vary, but most pro guitarist go for some type of a leather guitar strap.  Get a good thick leather strap to support an electric guitar.  It’s a matter of personal choice and comfort, but usually a wider strap is more comfortable.  Standing and playing guitar will get painful if you use a thinner guitar strap.

Lets discuss color and style.  Guitar straps come in every color under the sun, so just pick one that makes you feel good.  If you want to really personalize a guitar strap, talk with your local music store.  Some like lightning bolts or skulls, just find something that reflects your image.  Get a good leather connector at the end of your custom guitar strap.  Guitar straps experience stress on the ends.  Hundreds of custom guitar straps are available at a wide range of prices.

Do your initial research for custom guitar straps online, then get a feel for what you like.  When possible, take your ax with you to sample custom guitar straps.  Styles and types rarely change, so get one that stands out and shows your style.  You don’t have to spend hundreds to get a great custom guitar strap.  You can have your initials or name on your guitar strap custom.

The most important thing is comfort over style.  If you are going to be standing and playing for long periods of time, make sure it is comfortable before it is cool.  Buy the best guitar strap you can afford, a good custom guitar strap can last you a lifetime.  Get a strap that you like, and can afford and play that guitar like there’s no tomorrow.  Guitar straps don’t make the guitarist, but the can make them look cool.

You can choose from many different styles and thirty or more materials to customize your own guitar strap.  If you play an acoustic guitar, you will want to have a different strap for your electric guitar. Leather custom guitar straps are available with inlay.  A quality leather guitar strap with overlay, makes a bold statement.  Getting a good custom guitar strap is a right of passage for guitar players.  Higher end, more expensive custom guitar straps usually incorporate padding or a liner.  Padding is a detail you will want to add if you can afford it.  The final touch may be some metal Conchos for some down home styling.  Custom guitar straps let you stand out from the crowd.

What’s the Best Guitar Strap?

What to Know Before Buying a Custom Guitar Strap  


If you’re a guitar player, you’re likely to know that there are countless accessories available out there for guitars. For instance, almost all guitarists have guitar picks, capos, distortion pedals, and other guitar accessories. However, guitar players generally believe that the most essential accessories to have are guitar straps. Therefore, guitar players, especially professional guitar players, want to make sure they have perfect guitar straps.

If you’re not a musician, you may not be able to spot the differences between guitar strap varieties, but many guitar players can notice these differences. This has made many musicians make orders for custom guitar straps, which are designed to suit their specific needs. If you are considering acquiring a custom guitar strap, you have to consider a variety of factors prior to placing your order. The following paragraphs discuss these factors.

Locating the right craftsman

When looking for cool guitar straps, you first need to look for someone in your local area who is skilled in designing these items. Most craftsmen make personalized guitar straps, since they’ll last for so many years. There are lots of things that artisans can do to make guitar straps perfect for each and every guitar player.

How do I personalize my guitar strap?

You are probably going to have several appointments with the craftsman you pick before they actually begin creating your guitar straps. At these meetings, your craftsman will aim to understand exactly what you want in a guitar strap. Here are some of the things you’re likely to discuss when you meet the craftsman.

How wide do you want it to be?

Almost all guitar straps that are available in stores are around two to four inches wide. If, however, you only want a customized guitar strap, choose a width that’s perfect for your body. For instance, some guitar players find that it’s most comfortable to wear leather guitar straps that are one inch wide.

Would you like your strap to be embossed?

Most designers who specialize in making leather guitar straps will emboss them with designs or phrases their clients want. For instance, you may want to emboss your name on your guitar strap. Or you might choose to have special imagery or corny lyrics imprinted on your cool guitar strap.

How much is your budget?

Remember, the more elaborate the design of your personalized guitar strap, the more you’ll have to pay for it. Each time you include a new design on your custom strap, your craftsman will give you another quote.

To sum up, personalized guitar straps aren’t cheap. But you’d be getting something totally unique that has a design that means to you, rather than some mass-produced guitar strap that countless other guitar players use. But above all, you first need to ensure that your strap meets all the functional requirements.

What to Know Before Buying a Custom Guitar Strap  

How to Find Custom Guitar Straps


Feeling comfortable when playing the guitar is very important. There are many things that can help you feel more comfortable, from picks to strings, but one of the most important things is the guitar strap. Custom guitar straps allow for comfort while allowing you to play in style.

Shoulder and arm pains are common amongst all levels of guitarists. This pain can be lessened with the help of a custom guitar strap. The adjustable strap and strong buttons and buckles allow you to fit the strap to your body, which makes playing much easier. A strong, yet comfortable, shoulder pad also helps to eliminate the shoulder pain associated with playing.

When looking for custom guitar straps, you are mainly searching for comfort. This includes the comfort that involves pain minimization as well as overall playing comfort. An adjustable strap allows the player to adjust the strap based on their height and the way they like to hold the guitar. Based on what the player feels better with, the straps can also be thick or thinner than traditional straps. For those who experience shoulder pain when playing, thicker straps are the best option. For those who want a light strap that is not as distracting while playing, thinner straps are the best option. With a double shoulder strap, the weight of the guitar is distributed evenly between both shoulders. These are the most comfortable straps for those who suffer from shoulder pains or don’t care if there is extra bulk around them while playing.

You can be sure your custom guitar strap will look great, too. Most players will look at the design of the strap before thinking about the comfort. The different materials, such as leather, nylon, and polyester, allow the guitarist to choose which best fits their style and overall look. Players can also get a customized design on the strap. If you want a really cool guitar strap, a customized design, like a bad name or artwork, is the way to go. If you don’t want a custom design on your strap, there are still a wide variety of styles and colors to choose from. Guitar straps are great for showing the style and personality of the player.

Choosing a custom guitar strap involves making many decisions. Though style is always a great thing to consider, make sure you don’t sacrifice comfort for design. Researching which strap is best for you is the only way to understand which strap to purchase. To make sure you are getting the most comfortable and best looking strap for you, check out multiple sites and music stores.

Cool guitar straps are a great way to show off the guitarists style. To ensure your strap is the best fit and best style, make sure you buy a custom guitar strap.

How to Find Custom Guitar Straps